An Analysis and Visualization of Agricultural Data to Understand the Impact of Climate Change (A MADE Summer 2024 Project)

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This project is one of the MADE Summer 2024 Projects implemented by our students. We run these projects every semester, please be in touch if you are interested in participating!

Author: Zeeshan Ahmed

Project Description: Climate change is increasingly transforming agricultural landscapes globally, creating significant challenges for food security and crop productivity. The effects of rising average surface temperatures are particularly noticeable in countries with varied agricultural practices and climates. The impact of climate change on crop yields varies by region, including temperate and tropical areas. However, understanding the complex relationship between climate and agricultural data remains a challenge that requires an efficient data analysis and visualization framework. To address this, the project aims to develop an ETL pipeline to evaluate the impact of climate change on agricultural data and generate valuable insights. The pipeline will gather various public datasets, including historical climate data such as temperature, and crop yield records. The collected data will be transformed to standardize formats, fill missing values, and integrate relevant variables. The loaded data will then be analyzed using statistical methods to identify trends, correlations, and irregularities caused by climate change on crop yield variability. Time series plots will be utilized to effectively present the insights and patterns derived from the analysis. This framework will empower policymakers and researchers to address the challenges posed by climate change in agriculture by providing them with well-informed decision-making capabilities.

Further Project Details:

Reference: Zeeshan Ahmed. Analysis and Visualization of Agricultural Data Based on the Impact of Climate Change through ETL Process. MADE SS 2024. Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg: 2024.