Upcoming Talk: Prof. Dr. Daniel Weingaertner of Red Hat on Functional Safety Certification of Open Source Software
We are pleased to announce the upcoming exclusive industry talk on “Functional Safety Certification of Open Source Software” in AMOS, our agile methods course:
- by: Prof. Dr. Daniel Weingaertner, Red Hat
- about: Functional Safety Certification of Open Source Software
- on: January 29th, 2025, 10:15 Uhr
- on: Zoom (link after registration)
- as part of: AMOS
Abstract: Did it ever cross your mind that software you use or write could cause harm to users, society, or the environment? There are domains of human activity where such software must be certified as “safe”, before it can be used. And that is the goal of a Functional Safety (FuSa) certification. In this lecture we will give an overview of how “safe” software can be developed, and then look into the unique challenges that arise when trying to certify open source software, by sharing experiences of the path Red Hat has been following in order to build a FuSa certified Linux system.
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Daniel Weingaertner has studied Informatics and holds a PhD in Medical Informatics. Since February 2024 he works at Red Hat, on a customer-led research project with Deutsche Bahn, aiming to evaluate the feasibility of using Red Hat Linux for the autonomous driving of trains. Until 2020 Daniel was professor at the Informatics department of the federal university of Parana, in Brazil, where he led the scientific computing area, and maintained an exchange program with the Informatics faculty of the FAU. He also acted as a team lead at e.solutions, in the area of in-vehicle communication protocols.