Upcoming Talk: Wolfgang Strunk of Iteratec on Agile Architecture
We are pleased to announce the upcoming exclusive industry talk on “Do we need agile architecture?” in AMOS, our agile methods course:
- by: Mr. Wolfgang Strunk, Iteratec
- about: Do we need agile architecture?
- on: January 8th, 2025, 10:15 Uhr
- on: Zoom (link after registration)
- as part of: AMOS
Abstract: Based on a definition by Shaw and Garlan software architecture is concerned with “the organization of the overall system addressed by informal diagrams and descriptive terms, module interconnection languages …”. From an agile perspective you could argue that agile teams don’t need architecture or at least don’t need architects as it is important to value “working software over comprehensive documentation”. But when solving real world problems in industrial projects, you cannot choose not to have an architecture. Every system you develop has an inherent structure whether you document it or not. Every design decision when developing a software product should be made consciously. Therefore, I advocate to use architecture in agile projects to open up and discuss options in face of uncertainty, defer decisions and thereby enable your team to deliver software frequently and keep its velocity.
Speaker: Wolfgang Strunk works as an architect and CTO at iteratec GmbH on projects in the fields of mobility services and logistics. Before he was head of software development at Sixt Leasing SE and was responsible for the modernization of the self-developed application landscape. During his career, he worked for several software product companies and held different positions in in-house software development for major software service providers. His roles at iteratec range from agile coach to product owner and software architect. His current areas of interest are microservices, workflow automation, cloud deployments and integration of application software with external partners and customers. Wolfgang has a Diploma in Computer Science from Technical University of Berlin. He has been working there as a working student and teaching assistant. Later, he changed to Hamburg University.

Illustration source: https://theopenarch.com/introduction-to-agile-architecture/